Monday, March 20, 2006

Yum yum mango chips

I got given mango chips last night!!! A lady at Warminster (I can't believe I still can't remember her name!) gets them in bulk at BJ's (some place I need to find!) and they're actually from the Philippines. Yummy!!!!!!!

Had a safe trip back to Warminster, although I was afraid I was gonna be late. I was right on time. =) I hung around for about a half hour talking to Hannah and her talkative little sisters... and I saw the new baby Jerusha. She was sleeping the whole time, though. Joshua (the 5-year-old) asked if I wanted to hold her and I said no because I'm afraid to hold babies at that breakable stage. So she makes 7 in the family. =) Then I talked to Jeremy and Jon briefly and then eventually left.

Back to school and my whole schedule gets messed up. The Four Gospels exam that I studied for all of break got moved to the 31st, which also makes the last 2 other exams right on top of each other. Ugh!!! So now I have even more time to spend studying Mark. Oliff said he's going to attempt to make his first ever 100 point multiple choice exam. That is amazing. So anyway, by the 31st we should be living and breathing Mark. In fact, I'm going to retype the entire book. (Oliff's strong recommendation) I've already read it 4 times and taken chapter by chapter notes on it twice. Plus, we have basic key terms quizzes in A&P on Wednesday and Friday. Oh yeah, Friday is Oliff's "Geek Fest." It's actually the Evangelical Theological Society thingy... some Dallas guy is speaking. It's as Westminster Theological Seminary. The option is to pay $5 and attend some lectures and write a report and get 10 points or report to the library and study for Four Gospels during the class period. If you don't, you're marked absent. I think I'll just go to my room and study for it and take the absent. It's my last class of the day anyway.

Ok, gotta go hit the books again. I finished 2 Kings and started Ezra... I don't think I'm going to get 1 Kings-Esther read through twice in 3 weeks. We'll see. =P

Oh yeah (sory, still yacking -- can't stop talking, huh?) today is free Rita's. I guess they're opening up again or something. But yeah, half the campus probably showed up at Rita's. I actually have no idea what Rita's is other than "Italian Ice" (la de da) but who cares -- as Janita says, "It's free!!!" Heh, so I'm going with some of the girls and then on to pick Danae up from the airport.

And in chapel, the Louisiana peeps gave reports on the work they did there. It was really cool.

Two verses of "In Christ Alone." We sang it in chapel -- and I love it! And the tune is soooo great too.

In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
'Till on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i looove that song!!! and i looove Rita's water ice! it's soooo good! i haven't had it since we moved to Dover though, because the nearest one is like 30 minutes away and we never go down that way... but i love it!!