Anyway, this morning was interesting. Stef (across the hall) popped out of her room and announced that we have a 2-hr delay due to the "storm." Sunhee had checked the weather this morning and it had said something about a bad storm, but we didn't think to bother checking the PBU emergency closing website. Turns out we had a 2-hr delay and all classes before 10am were canceled. My only class today was OT and it was at 9:30. YAY. That was nice cuz I had planned to get up at 6:30 to study, but fell asleep until 7:30, so with the extra time I was able to study some more. YAYNESS!!! I did end up going to work. The roads really weren't bad at all. So much for the big storm. I didn't go to my ministry, though, in case the roads iced over as the sun (what sun?) went down. Jaci couldn't go either, so oh well.
I studied some when I got back from work... also wrote a letter and now I'm writing here. (Duh)
Spring break is in one week!!! But before then I have 4 exams. Oooh splendiferous life. I was reading my diary from when I was around 9 or so and I had written something like, "I want to be an eager learner." Sheesh! Cheesy. I don't know about the eager part (although I'm pretty attentive in class and I study a lot) but yeah. Funny. I get headaches in Four Gospels because I think so hard in the class. Hehe. No, seriously. I do. Last class was pretty bad. My brain was going so fast, trying to sort out what he was saying. Afterwards, Liz said, "Did you understand what he was saying today?" I said, "Um... I think I sort of started to get the point at the end, but I don't really agree." She said, "Yeah..." Crazy class.
On Wednesday (yesterday), my math class was canceled, so I skipped my Biblical Intro class and chapel (my BI prof was speaking too). BAD BECKY!!! I talked to my parents... oh and I studied too!
I did my BI chart on Tuesday and wrote my paper for Four Gospels on Monday. YAY. I love keeping up. It's like a personal contest. Heh. Can't wait for summer when I can relax for a little bit... not have to constantly figure out how much time I'll have to study this or that and what I have coming up in the next week to work on. In the words of Daniel, "You're a busy bunny!" Bunny? Hahaha. I thought that was beaver.
Would you like to see my study nook? This is where great things are accomplished (not). I thought it looked pretty cool without the flash, but just for you, I also have one using the flash.

Hey - Good to hear from you again. How much snow do you have? It was 80 here today and we ate dinner outside on teh deck while listening to the birds!! The daffidols are blooming, but before you think we're in heaven - it will be in the mid-20's Saturday night.
Okay!! Yeah, I miss you!
oh, my name was in print!
you JUST NOW got your nametag? mine looks just like that (Except with Katherine instead of Becky, of course). i got mine the first day. :)
hey! like the chickfila badge :)
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