Monday, March 13, 2006

Currently Eating: ChocNut

There's a great sense of happiness when one prints out a paper and staples it together. I just love how papers come out looking so neat and pretty... makes me feel really smart (just don't read the paper). =) I just like how it looks all typed up and stapled together. My favorite part is the top because it looks so professional.

Becky Hofmaier, Box #435

Old Testament History 2

Dr. Paul Benware

March 2006

Hehehehe... Cool no? =) You know what's sad? I'm getting work done that isn't due as soon as the Mark exam! I just can't get my imagination working enough to study the significance of stuff in Mark. I'd better learn how to be creative pretty soon because I have several years left here and it wouldn't look very nice to get a C in every single Bible class.

I just found out I'm still a current student at ECC. (I was looking for Sociology for the summer) I might actually take 2 classes at ECC -- Lit and Arts of the Western World (although it isn't called that) and Sociology. That way I'll get out of Drummond and one semester of Minto. Yay.

What did I do today...
* Woke up at 7:30
* Talked to my parents
* Finished my book summaries before lunch
* Helped Gfather turn over the garden
* Studied some Four Gospels
* Walked to ShopRite (hey, I saved gas)
* Called Ate Ivy

The pretty purple flowers (I don't know what they're called) came out even more today! Prettiness! I got Gmother some pix developed at CVS went I went to ShopRite. Pretttty flowers. The picture lady at CVS wanted to know why HER pretty purple flowers (what?!? I said I don't know what they're called!) didn't come up. How should I know!!! But they're pretty... and they're purple.

It's Monday. Funny, I'm so used to studying like crazy all Monday and Tuesday because starting Wednesday, life gets busy. I'm still in the whole panicky "oh no!!! It's due Friday!!!" mode even if it's really due in either 1 week or even 2... possibly an assignment due in 3. I do procrastinate, but my procrastination usually involves putting it off until the week before rather than 2 weeks before. Sick, isn't it? I wish I were smart because then if I worked this hard while being smart, I'd get a 4.0!!! HAHA. But then, life wouldn't be so joyful when I got an A. Heh, being a B student (sometimes a C in *cough* Four Gospels) makes A's positively loverly.

So I'm back to school on Tuesday for the ACSI music competition (little secret: I actually love PBU so much I can't get away from it... NOT!!!). Then sleepover (sleep???) at Kaitlyn's (hopefully watch the new "Pride and Prejudice") and sit in on kindergarten at Trinity. Thursday I have an interview with Pas Smith and Pas Carlson (it took this long because, to quote Pas Smith, "We had some serious concerns about your character..." probably cuz of the school I go to... NOT! Actually it was cuz they were so busy with the wedding and all the stuff going on) and also hopefully sit in on a preschool. This whole preschool-kinder thing is looking more and more interesting. We'll see...

Friday we're going to the Dizon's for dinner. Guess what?!?! They're making Japanese food! Hahaha huh?! I thought they were Filipino. Anyway... =)

There was a hymn sing at the Davies' last night. There were only two guys there -- Andrew and Andy. The other guys were off gallavanting across the country for a road trip. (Road trip? You call that vacation?!? Icky!) Guess what we sang along with hymns? Praise and worship! HAH and I'm such an expert at it, so I knew nearly every single song in the little booklet thingy they had. "In Christ Alone" often goes under praise songs, but I seriously think it shouldn't be classified with them. I love that song! The tune is great too.

Andy and I were discussing CCM in the car today. Here's a little secret: we both like Casting Crowns! And yes, they don't sing hymns. And yes they don't use quiet piano or just organs for the music. And yes, they are CCM. And yes, we like them! Hahaha. I actually have a wider taste/tolerance in music than Andy does and I like Casting Crown's sound as well as their lyrics. Andy doesn't really care what they sound like but likes the lyrics. I like the lyrics too, of course, but I also like their sound. Whatever. At least it isn't "The Rock that Doesn't Roll" *cough* Andy said he heard it on the radio the other day. Anyway, I'll give you a little sample of Andy's favorite ("Who Am I"):

Who am I?
That the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love
And watch me rise again.
Who am I?
That the voice that calmed the sea,
Would call out through the rain,
And calm the storm in me.

Not because of who I am,
But because what of you've done.
Not because of what I've done.
But because of who you are.

I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow.
A wave tossed in the ocean,(ocean)
A vapor in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord, you catch me when I'm falling,
And you told me who I am.
I am yours.


Anonymous said...

i believe the pretty purple flowers are called Crocuses. at least OUR pretty purple flowers are called that. haha!

LOVE casting crowns. :) have you listened to caedmon's call? they are good too. i can't wait till Casting Crowns comes out with a new CD! (even though Lifesong is still relatively new.. but i've listented to it a bazillion times already). it's time for a new one! i should buy their first CD it's great too.

Anonymous said...

Hey Becky!
It was nice to read your post! :) I wish I could have spent more time with you... :( I hope that we can get together sometime in the near future! Hasn't the weather been gorgeous?! It was so springy, breezy, and warm yesterday. Widener is starting to look pretty with all the daffodils poking out their bright, cheery flowers. I like purple croucuses as well. We have a lot back at home. And, I like Casting Crowns as well. When I drove out to Michigan for Jon and Karen's wedding last summer with Mr. Barnes, Esther, Laurie, Jen, and Mike F we listened to the CD. So whenever I listen to it, I think of them and the good times we had... I also like the lyrics as well. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your break. I was wondering if you would go to the music competition...hehe. Love you! ~Carrie

Anonymous said...

Its NOT croucuses!


Anonymous said...

oh sorry.