Did I mention that my Four Gospels exam was moved to after spring break? (Which also means that I have to dedicate my life to memorizing Mark) Anyway, I think I should never have found that out because since then I've become such a procrastinator!!! WAAH!!! I don't want to do homework anymore... I started my BI chart for Friday but there's still much to do.
Anyway, Friday I didn't do ANY HOMEWORK. How sad!!! Heh. Elizabeth and I went to Wendy's cuz it was her concert for Symphonic Band. We did that last concert. Anyway, I got back and then Rachel Park visited and we talked for a long time. Sooo yeah, I didn't do homework. Go me! Then Saturday morning, Sun Hee and I went to UPenn to visit the museum. (It's for OT) Rachel and Jenn were going to go, but they ended up not going. It was still fun... we were going to explore a little but we were too cold.
Saturday night was so much fun. We had our MuKappa talent show. It WAS GREAT!!! Let's see, the countries we represented were: Holland (Ariel, Alexa, Mattias, and Peggy (not from PBU)), Poland (Tim), Switzerland (Ephraim), Austria (Sam M.), Mexico (Jessi and Andrew... I think that's his name...), Japan (Andy), Columbia (Laura, aka Mary), Philippines (Benaiah, Joe, and me), Korea/Philippines (Sam P.), France (Jake) and I think that's it. There were several skits and it's late so I don't feel like yacking about every little detail.
The grossest skit was Ben's and Joe's. If you're really interested in getting grossed out, I'll write it up some day.
Sunday, Danae came with me to Warminster. Pastor Barker preached for morning and SS. Then Danae, Jeremy, and I went to the Wassons for lunch. It was a really nice time... not to mention that the food was good. =)
I'm going to post some pix eventually... esp the crazy ones that are the result of Danae getting her hands on my camera. Hehe. (It was during our tea party...) The only bad effect of our tea parties on Sunday nights is that we do them so late that the caffeine kicks in. Hehe.
Um... so today I went to class and was wanting to skip from chapel and on but I was a good girl and didn't skip. By the time it was Four Gospels, I wanted to skip but I would never dare skip that class. We were sitting in class and it was already five minutes past the hour. The phone in the classroom rang and nobody wanted to answer it, so Liz, our Freshman Class President, answered it. After she got off, she said, "Class dismissed" and the room erupted in a cheer. The only bad part is that Oliff is sick... oh, and it will make it worse for us when the exam comes around. So far we've missed 3 classes because he's been sick.
I met with my advisor today and now I have to decide what I want to do with my life.
Um... I sort of did homework today. Heh. I don't know what's wrong with me -- usually I have almost all my homework for Friday done today, but I don't. WAAAH!!! And now Christy and Danae are "studying" for OT, but they're actually watching "Anne of Green Gables." Hehe.
We got our Memorial dorm sweatshirts!!! YAY!!! It took forever... we were supposed to get them before Christmas break (or just after), but we didn't. Heh. Oh well.
Not a very satisfying blog ... too many blank spaces, too many important details left out!
i am still waiting for my uniform for chickfila!! they ordered them (new ones for EVERYONE) like a month and a half ago. i'm still wearing a red polo and jeans. everyone's uniforms are getting worn. they have the red/black design with black pants and the managers have a white/black design with black pants. our new uniforms are going to be black shirt with brown on the sides (under the arms too) and black pants. what do your uniforms look like?
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