Blogspot is not working right now for some weird reason. *cries* I am resorting to using WordPerfect (WordPerfect isn’t even a word, yet they allow it to be a word just because it’s THEIR program – how selfish) ANYWAY! Writing heresy is tiring. HAHAHA. I just wrote my trace paper for Matthew and I am hoping that Mr. Oliff won’t kill me for it. I had help from two pastors too. =)
Um, when did I last write? Anyway... oh yeah!!! Kim! (If you ever read this, that is.) I passed a billboard today that said "It’s ok to pick your nose. Gabay cosmetic surgery." HAHAHA Gabay Girls rock. Anyone else who doesn’t get it probably wasn’t meant to get it so just ignore it.
Work is going well. Yesterday I worked from four to eight. The weirdest thing about it is that the managers are all basically kids. Two of the guy managers are 17! That means I’m older than them. I’m not used to being older than people. HAHA. So yeah... and I worked today too. Katie, I haven’t been able to say "Welcome to Chick-fil-a" but I have said "my pleasure" and then kicked the counter in embarrassment. There are a lot of rude customers out there. Sheesh.
Today I had a really busy day. The day started with me working on the Four Gospels paper past midnight. HAHA. Then I woke up at 7:30... I managed to type up my paper before class (I had handwritten it last night) and we got out early again! (Dr. Hard was supposed to give a presentation but he never showed up.) I picked up my bag lunch (PB and J – nobody laugh) before running off to the parking lot to head off to work. I am convinced that bag lunches are better than cafeteria food. HAHA. I finally figured out that I can park right by the food court door rather than park down at the other side of the mall and have to go upstairs and to the other end to get there. HAHA. You know what’s sad? Tuesday night I got lost coming out of the mall. I went out the wrong door cuz the escalator twisted me around. SHEEEEEEESH. I had to circle the mall to finally find my car. Ok nobody make fun of me. That reminds me of something – I went into Hallmark today just to kill 10 mins before I left for my ministry and Amanda (from school) was there and as I was leaving, she told me not to get lost. HAHAHAHA. Guess what?! I didn’t get lost!!!
Speaking of my ministry – ‘twas cool. I like it. I like the rambunctious, loud, crazy kids. I had visions of a really cool movie documentary as I watched them running around. Hehe. Trish was right – I fell in love with the kids. Hope House is where they have their After School program thing. It’s very well set up and stuff. I really liked it. I’ll have to describe more after I’ve been there for a while. The worst thing about it is that I have to parallel park. I haven’t parallel parked since my road test in September. Thankfully I did it fine. For those who are worried, yes it is in Philadelphia and it is an inner-city ministry, but I’m in the afternoon program and I leave before dark. I really enjoyed it, though. Today was an unusual day because they didn’t have school and I didn’t have to help tutor. (They got off for Groundhog’s Day or something...)
I know there were a lot of things I wanted to say, but right now I’m so tired I can’t think of them. Sunhee just got back from class. Connection?! I could be doing extra reading for A&P but I’m too tired. Can’t wait to get ahead by studying like crazy Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Hehe. So nerdy, no? =)
The picture is me being stressed over writing the Four Gospels paper. (I had to redo it since I unknowingly had some dispensational stuff in there.)
Stoyk, guess what? I had polvoron from Goldilocks, Milo, AND sampalok (except Kim brought it to school). WEIRDNESS!!! So I think we really are sisters (except I'm cuter)!!!!!!
P.S. I was just looking through your photos and I thought I'd ask you if you study as much as you eat. =) You procrastinate on your studies but never on your food (or tea), not even when we're chatting. =)
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! I study much more than I eat! Seriously! Ask my roommate! It just so happens that whenever you're on, I'm eating breakfast or drinking tea at night. SO HA!!!
besides, it sounds more like you're talking about my roommate
yeah i sometimes say "our pleasure" but i NEVER say welcome to chick-fil-a. my boss gave us all a paper of the proper things to say and not say. like we're not allowed to say hi, hello, or howdy or "my bad". we're not even allowed to say "anything else?" which I alllways say! but I usually say "anything else for you ma'am/sir?" and i guess that's okay...
EVERYONE should be off for Groundhog's Day!!
Long Live the EARTH PIG!
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