Um, TCBY is gone. Sniff. So sad. I drove past it today and it was empty. Working there was fun.
I worked today. It was non-stop busy! Apparently I sold a lot or something because Beth told me "you did awesome" after she saw the print out. Awesome?! Suh-weet dude. Weird English.
I drove back to NJ from work, walked in the door, dumped my laundry in the washing machine! Yay go me. I also managed to review for A&P some. I'm not sure if I'll be ready or not. I took crossword puzzles and quizzes and stuff in preparation. Sometimes I just get tired of trying to memorize it all! I guess you can overstudy. Sometimes I just give up and take the test. I miss when Mom would review me before tests. I might skip chapel on Monday and study... why am I skipping chapel? Because I'm not sure if the speaker, Rev. Dana, is a woman or a man. So yeah.
Um my feet are cold. I think I'll go to bed -- early again! YAY!!!
That is sad about TCBY. Nice to know I'm missed sometimes!!
I could eat chicken 'til the cows come home!!
Then I'd switch to prime rib!!
Are you able to get those "tiz nobler to eat mor chikin" calendars? Because I really wanted one...maybe they're not real.
Oh no!! They're real!! Those cows really do all those things. They just have trouble spelling in English, 'cause they're not from around here!!
hey yeah i sold over 800 dollars today (5 hrs.) but the people sorta came in waves (i guess the snow storm threat kept them away) i don't think we did super good in business today... snow tonight!!!! yayy!!!
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