From my sociology book -- it, like, ya know, rocks

I study on my birthday.
19... wow. I guess I think this is where the excitement of getting older stops. Next year I'll be 20. I used to dream of being 18 and now it is gone forever. I guess I thought I'd be really old and mature at 18. HUH?! HAHA. Anyway, I woke up at 5:30, I went to my Praxis exam (and got slightly lost of course -- 19 and still can't figure out directions), got done at 12:15, got home, climbed a ladder and cleaned windows for Gfather (twas fun -- and I realized that a picture from the bottom of the ladder up into the sky is VERY photographic, but alas, I did not take a picture) and then I am studying. Woohoo. Getting older means working harder. I'm going out for pizza with Kait, Susie (hopefully), Ronda, and Julie.
I just had a thought: if I had the brains of Andy and the work ethic of me, what kind of grades would I get? Probably if I had the brains of Andy, I'd have the work ethic to match. *cough*
I still had my phone on SMS so I got lost of texts from peeps saying happy bday. YAY. And Gmom and Gpop called and so did CJ.
EDIT// Went out to eat at the Resevoir Tavern with Ronda, Kait, Susie, Julie, and Sheryl. HAHA -- the TAVERN. Just wait until I'm 21. Kidding!!! It was a fun time, topped off with Friendly's for desert (the waiters sang -- and I was a bit embarrassed.) HAHA. Good day!
Soooo the bday greetings:
Texts from Jobel, Hans, Chebong, Joash, Hapi, Tita Tetch, Andy, and parents
Calls from CJ and grandparents
Emails from Brigette, Bambam, Melisa, Tita Tetch, Tito Eddie, and Dan H.
Conclusion: we live in a high-tech society.
To finish it off, a bday message from a friend:
God has blessed you with so many blessings from your youth up, and His blessings even predate your birth. You have been dear to Him even before the world was made. May you, therefore, always live in the light of the goodness of God to you. And knowing God and His goodness to you, you would "honor Him as God and give thanks."
Hey! I would work if I had work to do!
On August 1st I had my 21th service birthday at work. I think I can legally drink on the job now!!
The word for today is "wbots"
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