There is no picture because I think I left my wire in NJ! Sadness... but life goes on. =)
EDIT: I added a random picture because a post can't be picture-less!!!
I left Monday morning early -- 6:45am! It only took about an hour and 45 minutes which meant I got within 10 minutes of school at 8:15. I had no desire to arrive early, so instead of turning, I went straight into Tyler State Park. I did my devotions and walked around taking pictures. It's really pretty there! I got a bunch of pics, but since I left the wire, you can't see them for 2 weeks.
Monday classes were fine. For math, we worked on probability -- basically self-taught. We all got to leave early from that which was nice. There was no homework either! Then we didn't have much in Teaching Bible. Class is canceled for tomorrow! I want to try to go to the 9am doctrine class so I can be done at 12, but now that my teeth are messed up, I don't know if I can make it. We have a doctrine exam next Wednesday (16th) and no class Friday! On top of that we have open dorm on the 17th. (We're having wing competitions... should be interesting)
Monday night was cool. SMF had 3 missionaries from the Persian area speak. They are with Operation Mobilization. It was really interesting -- I had never really heard much about those countries. I'm already going to take TESOL and now I'm wondering about going somewhere with it... =) It was such a neat evening! Then I got to eat breakfast with one of the missionaries this morning.
I took my OT exam this morning. I don't think I did that well on it. He asked a lot of question concerning what chapter certain things were said. I am so bad with references! I think the T/F questions were actually better. Oh well...
After lunch, I went to the pond to study. It's beautiful there! The squirrels are so funny when they chase each other. I love how they run up and down the trees with so much ease! I also love watching the ducks/geese land on the water. The leaves are changing all around campus. It is beautiful! I would love to post pics, but like I said, I can't. God's creation is so beautiful!!!!!!!! I love it!!! So beautiful! How can one go outside on a day like today and deny there is a Creator?!
I had a meeting with the Milestone at 6:30. (It is the school Yearbook) I am now involved! Yay! I'm excited! I have to work on a Homecoming page by next week.
We just had a fire drill. Thanks to one of the girls, our whole floor knew about it. =) I'm glad it was not at 3am as some have been. Oh well -- they're supposed to do 2 a semester and the semester is almost over. (This is our first fire drill) Anyway... imagine a bunch of girls outside in the cold! Kinda amusing.
Oh -- about the jaw. I don't know what's going on. It started hurting more this afternoon and now there's a bubble kind of thing in the back of the left side where the tooth used to be. My jaw is also swelling a bit. Weird. But anyway... fun times halfway around the world from my nurse mom. =(
Time to go to bed. Over and out.
P.S. This was posted on one of our "Toilet Tabloids" in our bathroom: What was Boaz before he married Ruth? The answer: Ruthless. WHY DOES THAT MAKE ME LAUGH?!

I miss PIP!!! (My dog)
Hey Becky...wow, your comments are getting really long...! Just wanted to say hi and hope you're doing well. Can I see pics of Charlie? Is that the Jetta Andy had? If so, what's he driving? Well, I'm about to call Beth A since it's her 19th bday today...so I gotta go. Have a good rest of the week. Friday is Veteran's Day and we have a ceremony with ROTC and then a special luncheon for retired officerse who served during WWII since this year it's the 60th anniversary of the end of WWII. Don't forget to think of and thank God for the men and women who gave their lives for the freedoms we have today! Love ya!
Hey becky...that was Carrie who posted the comment in case you weren't sure...lol
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