<--- This is Hapi! And I miss her! I got to chat with her the other day! Haven't done that in soooo long!!! I really miss the Maramaras...

"Tagaytay! I've been there!", "Becky! Remove!", "Star!", Spy on the boys, water fights!, tag, Tumbang Preso, movie making, Happy 4 Frendz!, "I'm gonna tell!", "But Hannah said I'm so clean!", Thanksgiving dinners, "So.. what are we gonna do?", and so much more!

<--- This is Elot! Oink, oink! And I miss her too! I miss the whole family... my little brothers JM and JC, and everyone else... even

<--- Little brothers! Ah, growing taller than me, but still my little brothers!
Miziz ---> Yesterday! Many good memories together... roasting, ear piercing, sleepovers, baptisms, Manasa, cheezmax, ah... so much!

<--- Sisters! Tuna, Bea, Kimyaxidoodle, PT Boog! What have we done together? So much! American Idol auditions, walking down the street dressed like freaks singing Christmas songs in July, "Stoyky!!!", "At least I don't talk to electric fans!", Yamani, Phantomesses of the Operatics, tea party, talking, laughing, "Becky and her breakfast!", "Have you ever ridden a horse?", "Coming to you this theater in May!" and all that! And then of course my fake cousins!

So explain to me why on earth a cellphone with no sim card would start ringing?! WEIRD!!!
Went to Panera's with Kaitlyn. Also went to Starbucks... 'twas fun! Great to hang out with her... and tonight we're going to the K's to watch "White Christmas."
Katie, thanks for being commenting faithfully! To everyone else *poke* -- leave comments! =) And one small favor, please write in your name and don't post as anonymous cuz that's really disturbing. HAHAHA
Yours truly,

God has been good to give you so many great memories ... the funny ones and the serious ones ... to look back on! Those memories will become even more special with time! So glad to know what was behind those memories ... glad to be part of your life!!
Hey, kid, that was fun to read and look at the pics and remember the memories! Keep up the good blogging.
Hiya Becks! Nice... you moved to blogspot... i also have one (with the same theme as yours) but haven't been updating it so i don't really give out my url. This post is so nice to read... memories, oh memories! Nice to see those pix... hehe! Keep up the blogging!
It's me,
ivy :)
hi becks! really nice blogsite... great pictures. keep up the good work.
Hey Becky! Finally commenting on ur new blog, pretty neat I must say. nice pictures!! I didn't see u this morning at church, hope ur doing well. <3
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