Friday, August 17, 2007


Wow so it has been a while since I've posted. I am alive but busier than when I'm taking classes... at least it's more time consuming. Plus, I don't have internet access in my dorm (the wireless is all messed up) and I'm too lazy to bother carting my computer anywhere or using the email lounge computers for any extended period of time.

We've been weeding and planting up a storm. I've visited the nurse a couple of times for things like barbary thorns and sprained hands. That was fun. My goal is to get on a first name basis with the nurse as a result of my constant appearance in the clinic. She threatened to start charging.

I start work at 6:15am and work either to lunch or until 3pm or sometimes 4:30 if it's a nice day to pull a 10hr. Sometimes I get begged to work in the cafeteria (like last week) soooo it's been pretty busy. Next week is my last week and it will be a lot! Last week I worked over 50 hrs because of Scott begging me to work. I have grounds work, cafeteria work, and other stuff going on next week. Monday I'm going over to the Oliff's to make dinner with the girls (aka "Oliff-ettes"). (Mr Oliff is a prof at school)

So here are some pics to enjoy

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