I went to graduation and saw some people end the college chapter of their lives (unless they want to come back and get a graduate degree). And then I realized that Lord willing, I'll be up there too (although I'd rather not walk up the aisle and on stage thank you very much) not too far from now.
After graduation, Serina, Katrina (and their parents), Elena, Chanhthu, Patrick, Walter, and I went to the food court and had our last lunch together. (Colleen was already on her way back to NH) Can't believe the year is over. It was sad saying goodbye to everyone (except the geeks that are staying all summer like me). Katrina and Chahnthu aren't coming back next year.

The weather has been beautiful! I love it! I could be outside forever! Except I just discovered that ticks are prevalent in the grass here. That's annoying. I didn't know that, so of course I was lying on the grass a lot. And ticks carry lymes disease. Agghhh.
So I decided to make a summer to-do list:
1) Survive 5 classes! (I am so excited! Except for the first class)
2) Work
3) Exercise and take advantage of the outdoors
4) Read The Sovereignty of God and More than Conquerors
5) Work on (and finish) my scrapbook from my trip to the Philippines LAST summer
6) Start compiling an album of the past 2 years at PBU so I won't have to compile 4 years in the end
7) Learn how to be very creative in cooking using a microwave, a hotpot, and a rice cooker
8) Practice my flute and the piano
9) Read as many kid's books in the library as possible
10) Actually accomplish some of the things on this list
I should take a nap. But why??? I don't have to drive back to school tonight!
Oh by the way, I mentioned watching "Facing the Giants." Well it's actually a good movie! I thought it would be one of those "Christian" movies that really have nothing to do with Christianity other than a wishy-washy type of faith. Granted, the acting was not all that amazing. It's a sports movie but not nearly as dramatic and well done as your typical sports movie like, say, "Remember the Titans." However, the Christianity portrayed was quite decent. Basically, it was about believing that nothing is impossible with God. The main plot was about a football coach who was facing a very terrible football team, people that wanted to get him removed from being coach, and on top of that stress, not being able to have children. It was a Christian school he was coaching in, but not a very strong Christian school. There was a man who walked the lockers every day, praying for each student as he passed their locker. One day he went in and talked to the coach and basically encouraged him to have faith and "prepare the fields for rain" even though it seemed there would be no rain. So the coach spent a lot of time reading his Bible and in prayer and then went in and with a whole new attitude. His attitude actually spurred revival in the school. At one point he asked his wife "If God never gives us children, will you still love Him?" His wife was committed to still loving God in whatever circumstance He put them in. Anyway, basically the soccer team made it all the way to the State finals and won. He then talked about how nothing is impossible with God. And then in the end his wife told him that he had "made the team... the daddy team." So yeah, for a Christian movie, it was pretty good.
Ok, picture time!
PS The Provost made a grammatical error yesterday during graduation. It bugged me.
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