Ahhh so much homework! I need to start living in the library and beginning researching for my paper. I don't know what to do it on because there are a lot of interesting topics. I have the feeling the next 9 weeks will be as bad as the last 2 weeks of last semester. Heh.
Ok, food journal time.
I brought some adobo that I had made on Friday. We cooked rice and I went to the produce store and got some veggies to steam. It was good finding the produce store (closest to a market that I've seen) walking distance para mag-market-market. ;) I also found Aldi and compared prices with Redner's (the second cheapest among grocery stores... except I heard Genaurdi's (sp?!) has good deals if you use coupons) and it's a lot cheaper for some things. We spent forever deciding what to have for dinner the next day. Walter said he'd make pasta, so he mixed it all up Monday night and put it in the crockpot on low the next morning so it cooked the whole day.
Benaiah and I went to the produce store and got vegetables for salad and in the process discovered sayote. We had spaghetti (pasta...) and salad and some bread that night. Pretty good in spite of the hot sauce Walter put in. By the second meal we had attracted some more people. It's fun because there are a bunch of us in the kitchen area every night getting dinner together. We have a lot of fun. ;) We sat around deciding what was for dinner the next night. It took about an hour because we're really organized like that. We finally decided on tinola.
I went out to Aldi to get meat at 8am, but I found out it opens at 9 so I went to Redner's and it was on sale! The night before we had decided to budget the meals to a dollar a person which actually covers it. We also started a sign up sheet with what's for dinner and people who decide to join just sign their name and contribute a dollar. Benaiah went for the vegetables while I was at work. I threw the tinola in the crockpot when I got back from work and then went to visit Millie for a while. I showed her my yearbook and she liked it. I'm not sure how the tinola went over with people (except for Benaiah and Roberto (who is half-Filipino)). We had leftovers this time which was nice because I had some for dinner tonight before I went to babysit.
We had fajitas. I had bought enough chicken for 2 meals from the night before so I dumped the rest of it in the crockpot Wednesday night and Brent shredded it and put it away for the next day. We saved the broth to maybe make soup. Walter got the idea to try to make the wraps in some sort of cooker thing that I don't even know what to call it. It didn't work. Because I babysit on Thursday, Walter and Benaiah went out to get the stuff for it. After I got back, I took a nap and then went for a walk in the backyard, aka the forest/PBU trails. I was so sad I didn't have my camera because there was so much wildlife! The trees have really filled out and it was so cool to see the changes. I hadn't been back in the woods for months so I hadn't seen the results of the cleaning up they did a while back. So that was cool. Then I came back and the guys were making dinner and then Brent decided we needed salsa and went out to get some.
We decided to make today "fend for yourself". A couple people came over to find out what was for dinner... haha sorry we're closed!
Well the kids are in bed right now (I had to put all 3 down this time instead of just Aidan or Aidan and Luke because I had to come at 5:30) and I have mounds of homework to do. Aidan watched Scooby-Doo tonight. Poor kid, one of these days he's going to have to face reality and read intellectual stuff like
The Aeneid. Haha.
I worked this morning. I went in at 8:15 to get it over with. Supposedly I'm supposed to work all day, but there really is nothing that can keep me occupied that long. I did a lot of stuff and left after 4 hours. Then I went on another walk through the woods, this time with my camera. I really need to find out what poison ivy looks like. I didn't get any, but I know it's out there. I tried climbing a tree, but I didn't get too far. It was too big and the branch I wanted to get to was too hide and there weren't any smaller branches to aid in reaching the big one. What a lame tree. I worked on homework until Ariel and Alicia (Ariel's friend who has been living in our room for the week) came in and distracted me. They were getting ready for Mattias' wedding, but Ariel changed her outfit about 50 times. I lost count. I'm glad it takes me 5 minutes to get ready for anything. Haha. So I got distracted and then I had to go look for dinner before I went to babysit. Anyway, homework calls my name loud and clear. Bye.