Spring Formal:
It was pretty boring, if you ask me. We just sat around and ate... and watched a guy play music on wine glasses, which was actually pretty cool. The best part about the night was when I ditched being responsible and went to Philly with a bunch of girls at 10pm and wandered around the Fairmount Waterworks with a bunch of girls until midnight.
Admissions took us to the circus. It was smaller than I thought it would be -- maybe being older changed that. It was pretty good though. Not as terrifying as it was 12 years ago. Definitely more digitalized and they had a really obnoxious clown that the guys were imitating in the car on the way back. I had fun though! Actually, the best part was the guys singing and pretending to be clowns on the way back to school. Hah.
Such a depressing day. It was the last day of classes and now I only have two more last day of classes left in my college life! I said goodbye to Spanish class, to Church History, and to American Pop Culture -- the three best classes of the semester and potentially my college career! Ok, they came in pretty close with Doctrine 1, Four Gospels, Integrated Language Arts, Teaching Science, Math Concepts 1 and 2, Emergent Literacy, etc, etc, etc. BUT, I woke up semi-early and continued working on one of my take-home finals that I had started on Thursday but quit so I could write an emergency extra credit paper for Friday. I actually worked in the office for two hours -- what a shocker! I was introduced to the best game ever -- Ultimate Frisbee!!! The only problem with that game is that I cannot bring myself to yell and draw attention to myself which is why nobody knows where I am or that I am quite often wide open. I just run around like a kindergartner playing soccer with no strategy at all -- just following the frisbee. It was great, though. I played again in the dark at 10. There was a bonfire and campout that night too. I didn't camp out, just went for the food and some of the games and singing.
I woke up later than I had wanted. I did knock out more of my final in the morning until I had to work for the Advance Degree Graduation Banquet. Word of Life was on campus for some competition and I sat at the table with a couple Filipinas. That was cool. I'm babysitting now and I finished two take-home finals that I thought I wouldn't finish until Monday and Tuesday. YAY! I should study for Pauline now, but I don't feel like it. I really wish the parents would come home soon because it's 11:15. Bah humbug.
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