Saturday, November 29, 2008

While my computer is borderline functioning, here are a few more pics. These are our "Family pictures" that we took for our Nexus family. Nexus and Enrollment Operations have groups/families and we are all trying to earn points toward some prize (which I don't even know what it is...) and one of the ways to earn points is to take a family picture. We took multiple and it was fun doing it. Soooo here are some of the pics...
Got a little squashed at the bottom

Too bad we weren't evenly lined up!

James thought it looked like a band picture so he's doing his air..banjo...thing

James is actually behind us but he ducked down at the last minute.


Chuck said...

I meant it for this one - u look like the Beatles in this post.

Unknown said...

you shouldn't have bought a toshiba! :D FAIL!